You've been doing life on your own for as long as you can remember. You're pretty good at it in fact. You're a natural born leader and you get things DONE, girl!
Honestly, it just plain seems EASIER to keep doing this than to get involved in others' lives and opening yourself up.
You also KNOW deep inside this is not how it's supposed to be. You were designed to flourish within community, not on your own.
We get hurt in community. You've "been there, done that". You might have walls up. Your trust may have been betrayed.
I understand but even though we get HURT in community, we also HEAL in community.
What are you leaving on the table as you continue to "go it alone"? Potential friendships...real ones! Healing and freedom? It's there for you!
You can no longer deny the nudge from the Lord. He wants you to thrive in a supportive TRIBE of loving women and you are finally ready to do something about it!
THIS was me. I was the poster child for pull yourself up by your bootstraps. A German upbringing. A northern girl (Michigan originally). A first born daughter (say no more).
Type A. Striver. Hustle harder. Miss Independent. That was me.
But you, the Lord began to nudge me and remind me what I really needed. Authentic connection—women I could trust to celebrate with me on my wins and to weep with me in my pain.
On the outside, I had it all together. I was admired, applauded, and "doing it all." But inside, things felt dead inside. I was living a black and white life when I knew it could be in full color.
My joy was gone, and I didn’t understand why.
It wasn’t until I was vulnerable and shared my heart with a dear friend that I began to experience true healing.
I admitted I felt distant from the Lord and mostly like a failure if I was honest. I didn't see a lot of spiritual growth but I didn't understand why. I was certainly trying my very hardest to please Him.
She listened and empathized, didn't judge, didn't try and fix. She was just...there.
That moment was a turning point. It led to a deep, healing journey with the Lord where I
uncovered what had been blocking my joy for so long.
That led to even deeper healing experiences with a group of safe women who walked alongside me and loved me right where I was at!
As I healed, my joy, confidence, and freedom soared!
I finally felt
Every woman needs this kind of SAFE HAVEN of celebration, support, and sisterhood and now we have just such a place!
~ready for the new?~
Maybe you to have had it with the loneliness that often comes with being a leader. You’re craving a place where you can just RECEIVE and not be continually pouring out (like you always do). You're longing for a place where you’re loved not for what you do, but for who you are.
You don’t need more surface-level friendships or people trying to “fix” you. You need an authentic tribe of women who will listen
without judgment, speak God’s truth over you, and walk alongside you in love.
That’s why I created the
Radiant Joy Club
—a community for women like us:
If you’re ready to discover the joy you’ve been missing and experience the kind of community your heart has been longing for, this might be the home you didn’t know you needed.
Take the next step. Join us.
Let’s grow in grace, get real, and live free...TOGETHER!
Kind words from past online event participants:
4 Column
The enemy wants to keep ministry leaders, pastor's wives, and high achievers, isolated, alone, and defeated!
NO! We are stronger together, better together, and can accelerate our growth and healing so much FASTER when we come together in a supportive group setting!
The ladies in our community are AMAZING!
If you are looking for a place to uplevel your JOY so you can:
- be filled up to better pour out,
- lead more effectively and with more authenticity, and
- love better, this is that place!
The program is self-paced so you get to move through each 30-day Habit Pack at the "pace of grace" spending a month (or taking longer) to digest and implement each one. Zero pressure!
When you are ready for the next Habit Pack, you push a button to let my back end system know and voila! You have the next one loaded in your course area! Easy peasy!
- a link to a corresponding worship song
- video instruction explaining each Joy Habit and the why behind it
- a beautiful, full-color workbook
- space to record your progress
- the Joy Quotient workbook pages to practically help you approach the throne of Grace with whatever lies and condemnation are bringing you pain or difficulty.
You will also receive a daily email to help you establish your current Joy Habit and make it part of your life long term!
Putting this all together results in increased JOY.
Increased joy helps us in:
our ability to serve others well
Choose either DAY or EVENING and sign up below!
Email: [email protected]
Copyright 2025 - Nicole Roth, All Rights Reserved.